Saturday, February 22, 2020

My previous personal statement needs to be rewritten a bit and there Essay

My previous personal statement needs to be rewritten a bit and there are some things that should be added to it - Essay Example I am particularly interested in integrating my knowledge of the Russian-speaking world with my studies, as Russia is one of the worlds most exciting emerging markets. I am enthusiastic about expanding my knowledge in the current affairs, more so in the context of business and economy. In several occasions I try my level best to secure some little time off my academics and just read some periodic publications such as The Economist. Steve Jobs, the Apple Inc. co-founder, is one person that has greatly shaped my business perspective and attitude towards life. After reading his story in one of the Economist publications, I have come to develop an interest of reading biographies, autobiographies, and stories about remarkable innovators and business leaders of our time. The time I have spent reading through these publication has been beneficial as it has served to complement the theoretical knowledge acquired in class. For instance, I was fascinated when a story about the current dispute involving Tesco’s and Sainsbury over price comparison promotions. This dispute helped me appreciate the role of ethics in business operations. Other activities that I enjoy doing are mingling with people and just get to understand their perspective about various issues in life. I love sports such as football and skiing. Engaging in these activities have not only taught me the beauty of hard work, perseverance, and practice, but have also taught me how to work within a team as well as lead a team. Knowledge and experience are two things I most treasure in career advancement. It is because of this reason that I am currently furthering my studies to at least bolster my understanding of various issues in business. Previously, I have worked at Technoservice, Moscow, alongside strategists who at that time were investigating ideas on how to introduce off patent car

Thursday, February 6, 2020

How and Why Did Korean Immigration Begin to the US, Southeast Research Paper

How and Why Did Korean Immigration Begin to the US, Southeast Immigrants as Refugees - Research Paper Example During the first wave, Koreans immigrated to Hawaii because of national problems in Korea, specifically, famine, heavy taxes, the epidemic of cholera, and government corruption. Some of the hardships they experienced as immigrants were poverty, racial discrimination, and social alienation. In order to adjust in Hawaii, these first-wave Korean immigrants resisted integration and assimilation through 1) creating Korean language schools in 1945, 2) establishing churches and patriotic organizations, and 3) following a government-in-exile model. Second-wave Korean immigrants were mostly Korean War brides, orphans, and students who immigrated to the U.S. because of the Korean War. Several hardships that they experienced were: 1) for the Korean brides, culture shock, language and cultural differences, isolation, and alienation; 2) for the Korean orphans, some concerns for dual identity; and 3) alienation for Korean students. Korean brides coped through connecting with fellow Koreans when su ch friendships were accessible and integrating and assimilating for the Korean orphans and students. Third-wave Korean immigrants went to the U.S. because they are searching for better economic and educational opportunities since the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 made it easier for them to immigrate too. Some of the problems they experienced were: 1) cultural and language differences, 2) changes in gender roles, 3) conflicts in norms and values, 4)Â   attaining a healthy identity in white mainstream culture, and 4) preserving local values, beliefs, and practices (121). To ease their adjustment, some of the things that the Koreans did were: 1) create ethnic communities where ethnic and language differences can be erased because of the preservation of local values and language; 2) establish Christian churches that retain local norms and values; 3) preserve family and kinship ties by decreasing multiracial contacts; 4) participate in non-ethnic organizations; and 5) use h ard work ethics in attaining success.Â