Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Communication & E-Communication Strategies †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About the Communication E-Communication Strategies? Answer: Introduction Communication plays a very vital role in any organization, effective communication channel is the key to success of any organization. In an organization, communication is used to communicate with the employees, suppliers, customers and public. Various methods of communication are used by an organization, the standard methods of communication (Kaul 2014). E-communication E-communication means electronic communication, it is the process through which message is transferred through advanced electronic techniques, like computers, modems, facsimile machines, voice mail, electronic mail, teleconferencing, video-cassettes and private television network. E-communication has gained popularity from the very beginning of the millennium. In the recent times, there has been an increase in the usage of modern methods of technology for communication through electronic devices, like computers. E-communication speeds up the communication process( Kaul 2014). Non-E-communication Non-Electronic communication methods are those in which the communication is done without the usage of electronic devices, in formal communication Non-electronic communication is done either orally or through written communication (Kaul 2014). Communication strategies of Apple The communication strategies used at Apple Inc are designed to support the processes and operations of the organization, within its premises also beyond the premises of the organization to communicate with its employees, suppliers, customers and public (Apple.com 2017). Non-electronic communication used by Apple To communicate with its employees, the non-electronic methods that Apple uses are oral and written communication methods. The oral methods of communication are mostly used by Apple Inc. includes speaking. Most of the information and instructions are transferred through oral communication, by speaking. Even the employees mostly communicate and share information related to work orally. Oral communication saves time and one gets instant feedback in oral communication within the premises of Apple, whenever there are a need for quick feedback the employers and the employees use oral communication. The upper management communicates mainly by speaking, all that messages that are of less significance are usually communicated through speaking (Apple.com 2017). Whenever the employers want to provide organization related information it is communicated through notices. Important information about meetings, events are put on the notice boards of the all the offices of Apple. Circulars are issued in Apple, to its employees to communicate the dress code, new changes in the company policies, information about date, timing of meetings and luncheons. The Company issues formal letters to the employees when the employers want to communicate to any employees and the message is not directed to other employees. Employees whenever they want to communicate to the employers, regarding leave and other issues, all the communication from the employees to the employers are done through an application or formal letters, like leave application, resignation and many more Communication with the suppliers is mostly done through electronic communication methods. The non-electronic method that Apple uses to communicate with its suppliers are mainly written, the Compa ny uses formal business letters. Apple Inc. writes formal letters to its suppliers, for making queries related to supplies, price quotations, which are very confidential matters are communicate through formal letters. Written form of communication serves as evidence in case of legal obligations, therefore business letters are used by Apples for future records (Patrutiu-Baltes 2016). Apple communicates with its customers through a number of methods the Company mostly uses electronic methods. To communicate with its customers, there are few non-electronic methods that Apple uses for communication are using, newspapers, magazines and business letters. Newspapers and magazines are used for advertisements and promotional purposes, the company business letters are used to advice, suggest the customers in responses to the queries made by them (Cosman 2013). To communicate with the public, the non- electronic method used generally depends on the purpose of communication, for issuing its annual report the company uses written communication, advertisements and promotional activities are done through the help of print media as well like, publications in books, journals, magazines, newspapers, billboards and many more (Olson and Olson 2014). The Electronic methods used by Apple for communication Apple communicates with its employees, mostly through electronic methods, mainly e-mails, and telephonic conversations. Apple Inc uses e-mails for communicating information, related to work, company policies and code of conduct and other important information. To communicate with the suppliers emails are used. Formal letters are also sent through e-mails. Telephonic conversations are used to communicate with the employees. Meetings are conducted through video conferencing to solve the distance barriers. To communicate with the suppliers Apple writes a business letters through emails, for its suppliers Apple Inc. its uses its website to communicate to its customers and public( Bell and Muir 2014). SWOT analysis of communication methods followed by Apple Inc. Strengths- Apple uses both electronic and non-electronic methods of communication, to communicate to its employees, suppliers, customers and public. Written communication serves as an evidence for future in case of any legal obligations. Apple uses many new and efficient technologies for communication within the organization and also outside the organization. Apples channel of communication with its customers is very good, they communicate through chats and calls as well, which is very good for customers because they get instant feedback and hence they are satisfied with the communication practices. Apple also uses social networking sites for communicating with its customers and public (Newcombe et al. 2015). Weaknesses- Apple Inc is very much dependent on electronic communication, which is not good, in case of technical faults, or network issues the electronic communication completely fails. The electronic communication is very costly because it includes costly devices. Oral communication cannot be used in transmitting important and confidential messages, also it cannot be showed as evidence in future, if the company faces any legal obligation. Written communication because of it being formal in nature, it is a very complex process, the sender of the message needs to focus on the format and the standard pattern of the business letters, notices and circulars (Locker and Kienzler 2013). Opportunities- With more new technologies in the future there is an opportunity of Apple to improve its communication practices with its staffs, customers, suppliers and public. Threats- Most of the electronic methods of communication needs network and internet connections, problem arises due to poor network connections. Cyber security issues often pose threat and disrupt the proper communication process. Noises often disrupt the communication process. Various communication barriers also pose a threat to the communication process (Kuehn 2016). It is seen that communication strategies and the practices adopted by Apple is quite efficient, except for few loopholes, like too much dependence on electronic methods of communication, using oral communication very often, which is not good because oral communication does not serve as evidence for future, unless it is being recorded (Kiesler 2014). Communication practices of the competitors of Apple Inc Samsung Group One of the main competitors of Apple is samsung variety of electronic products, including mobile phones, televisions, laptops, computers and many more. The company is a south Korean head-quartered in Seoul, South Korea. The communication methods and practices of Samsung group is not much different from that of Apple (Samsung.com, 2017). Samsung also uses both electronic and non-electronic methods for communication with their employees, staffs, suppliers and customers. The communication strategies of Samsung for advertisements are very impressive, Samsung uses online banners for advertising, and they focus on the variety of electronic goods they offer to the customers. One such new strategy adopted by Samsung which is a part of their overall corporate communication strategy. Samsung realized their drawbacks in communication system and they knew that there is a requirement of fully interactive system. The new communication system is very effective, keeps the whole department updated, about the progress of the various departments (Kaul 2014). Sony Mobiles Sony Mobiles is another competitor of Apple Inc., it is a multinational tele communications company and a joint venture between Sony and Ericsson, the company has its headquarter in Tokyo Japan, the company is Wholly owned by Sony. Under the brand name Sony Mobiles the company smart phones with impressive features (Sony Xperia Blog 2017). The communication methods used by Sony Mobiles include both electronic communication and non-electronic communication methods, to communicate with its, employees, customers, suppliers and public. Sony Mobiles have a website, which the company uses for business communication with its customers and public, for advertisements brand promotion and also to resolve the queries of customers. To communicate with its suppliers the company uses business letters, to communicate within the organization they have a fine communication practice comprised of electronic communication methods, like use of emails, video conferences for meetings and telephonic communication. The non-electronic methods of communication used by Sony Mobiles include notices, letters and circulars (Dinnie 2015). Recommendations for effective communication methods Apple Inc. should follow a communication strategy that is a combination of both electronic and non-electronic communication system, too much dependence on any one of them might not be an effective communication practice. Devices used for electronic communication should be checked from time to time or else there will a disruption in communication process. Whenever the company is communicating important information to their employees, suppliers, customers and public they should use written form of communication. In the organizational meetings the company should record everything that is communicated for future records. For oral communication the place selected should be free from all kinds of noises, so the communication process is successful. In written communication the message should be very clear and jargons should be avoided. References Apple.com. 2017. Apple Info - Apple. 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