Friday, August 21, 2020

Twitter Definitions For Newbies

Twitter Definitions For Newbies Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Twitter Definitions For NewbiesUpdated On 05/04/2017Author : Pradeep KumarTopic : TwitterShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogTwitter is considered to be the next thing after Blogging and Networking. Everyone has Twitter account. Even the celebrities too. If you are new to Twitter, you will be very confused with jargons and definitions. I had this same problem. But now I became very familiar with them. Got some interesting new friends in Twitter now. So Im happy with Tweeting.I consider Twitter next to my Blog and Facebook. I cant live without these three. Below are some of the common basic definitions which a newbie to Twitter should be very aware of. This will help him to get addicted to Twitter easily! ??I picked some terms and definition which were very confusing and strange to me when I was a newbie to Twitter, so that it will be usef ul for newbies like you to be familiar with such terms before or after signing up in Twitter. You can consider reading this Quick Start Guide for Twitter. So what are you waiting for re? Start Tweeting now!GOT CONFUSED ? HERE ARE SOME BASIC DEFINITIONS OF TWITTER FOR FRESH TWITTERERS OR TWEETERSTwitter : Your Online Status Message.Tweet : A Short Update of what you are doing for about 140 characters.Followers : People who are subscribed of your updates or fondly known as Tweets.READWhy You Should Never Mass Follow Twitter UsersFollowing : People you are interested for following by subscribing to their updates or tweets.Direct Message (DM) : Sending a Direct Message to your followers.At (@) : You can use this when you are referring him/her in your updates. You can prefix their username with @ to display his/her Twitter account in the update.Re-Tweet (RT) : You can Relay a tweet or update by a Twitterer or Tweeter to everyone who are following you.Hash (#) : When you want to tell some thing specific about some issue or subject, you can prefix your subject with #.Tweet Up : When a group of Twitterers or Tweeters arranges a meeting for a social interaction or for some bloggers meet and so on.Blocking/Spam : You may get requests from Spam Twitterers. You can block them in two ways. Directly from the User’s Twitter page or through your Followers list. Just hit Block and Twitter will confirm it.

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